Weigh In Day: Weight Loss Goals; Farmers Market Finds; Health Shakes; Airstreams; Fat Boy Gone Lean

Weigh In Day Y’all!!! Here are this week’s results for Courtney and I!

Video Transcript:

Hey! What’s up peeps?

Alright, so I apologize for being sweaty. I just got through taking a load to our storage unit from our house. Details about that later.

Today is Sunday, Lord’s day, everyday is the Lord’s day! It is Sunday so it is weigh in day.

So two things…First, if you haven’t seen our video on this week’s Farmers Market haul, check it out. We checked out a new F/M…a really cool place. Only happens every third Saturday of the month. I think it’s only between like, April and December.

But it’s in a little piece of Leander Texas. If you’re in the Central Texas area. There’s a little piece of Leander, Texas right in the heart of Leander, Texas. And it is called Smooth Village. And first of all before we get to the farmers market, I want to tell y’all about “Smooth Village” itself, it is really cool because it’s just a bunch of like Air Streams that are like all around and you have like one section that has Airstreams you can walk into it’s like a boutique like a dress shop… it is really cool. And there’s another section that an Airstream that’s a bar. It’s really cool. We didn’t drink!

There’s another Air Stream that is a salon. It’s kind of cool. So it’s an Airstream themed park but then on the outskirts of it, there are probably five or six different food trailers, food trucks…they smelled really good. We were not there to eat or we might have had som of there food…it all looked like really good stuff.

So if you get a chance every third Saturday of the month in Leander Texas go check it out… it’s called the Old Town Leander farmers market. There’s one guy in there and he is from Rockdale, Texas. I can’t remember his his farms name….I’ll post it right here!

But he had a lot of stuff. He still has corn in season.

But then also he’s got to fellow supplier…they swap produce back and forth who’s from the valley. So he’s actually got like fresh pineapple, apples, and other fruit. Lemons, limes too. He had a lot of good vegetables. They grew at his farm. We got a lot of those and then he had a bunch of really cool fruits good foods too. And he had roasted peanuts, fresh roasted peanuts.

So they were really good. I got some tomatoes!

It was really cool! Go check it out if you have a chance.

So…to weigh in day…

I weighed in this morning and Courtney weighed in yesterday.

She has lost 36 pounds. She was so upset a week ago because she had kind of plateaued around 34 pounds. I say plateau…she lost like an ounce or two, but she was so frustrated. I’m like, “it’s just how it works…nature the beast.”

And then she totally jumped over 35 pounds, and she’s down 36 pounds. So happy for her! That is amazeballs couldn’t be more happy. She’s working out every day. She’s eaten healthy. She’s just a rock star.

Okay, I weighed in this morning and I am down to 329.8 pounds…So I’m technically what I weighed when I got married.

That is goal number three!!!

Number one goal was getting through 75 hard. That was a freakin hard goal. And I punched that dude it’s so happy about that.

And then goal number 2 was to lose 100 pounds…did that. And then goal number three was down to to 330 which is where I was when I got married. That just happened just now. And then my final goal, aside from my lifetime goal of staying healthy, is going to be to lose get down to 280…which is where I was when Courtney and I met. And the hope is that I get there by June 8. That’s what we’re hoping for.

I did lose like roughly four and a half pounds this week, five ish pounds, which is a lot.

I know one day, it was just a busy day (as days get) and our dinner was like salad and we went straight to bed after eating a salad. So probably wasn’t a good thing. I should have thrown a smoothie in there. By the way. If I haven’t told you about my smoothies. My smoothies are amazing. I encourage you to eat them.

Are they healthy? Sure, because they have bananas and they have peanut butter which is God’s gift to the world.

So it does have potassium it does have protein. And then I put almond milk and ice and that’s it.

I do a whole banana.

I do a heaping teaspoon of peanut butter, and then I add a cup of almond milk, and then I top it off with ice. Then I put it in the bullet, Zip it! whip it! And drink it! It is so, so, so good. It’s amazing. I put it in my fitness pal app as on my “favorite dessert”. So I just go in there and punch it at it. It adds all those ingredients into it.

So doing really well a little too much weight probably to lose in a week. But again, I’m still morbidly obese…still a big boy at 329 pounds.

Ain’t no hurry because it’s a lifelong change…not an overnight thang!

This is a lifelong journey. It is not something that you do is it is day to day but it’s not something that happens overnight.

It’s definitely not something that is “easy.”

Until the next video. Have a blessed day. Peace

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